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In the United States, we have a day designated to honor those people who have served as our presidents throughout history. Take the time to talk to your children about how they have shaped our country and the importance of their role in our lives. Allow your children to learn about the leaders of the United States as well as good men and women throughout the world. We have a few acitivities to help boost your child's interest.
We have a few printable Presidents Day activities.
Your kids may enjoy deciphering these quotes from some American Presidents. The letters in each column fit into the corresponding boxes above. Once the letters are correctly placed, you can read the decoded message.
You may also like to try a game of "Homonym Phrases." In this patriotic version of the game, the names of each president of the United States as well as the states and capitals may not look quite right. But as you read each card containing seemingly random words, you will hear those names. You can break into groups and give each group one minute to guess as many cards as they can.
We have our printable cards available in two different ways. First you can download each page with its clues and print them on either side of your page. Or (if you feel confident with your printer) you can download the entire set in one file. The pages alternate from clues to answers, so print them out double-sided. The cards are set up so you can print one set of clues and answers on each side of the card (so you have two cards in one). Just be careful when printing to get the answers on the back of the right clues.
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